
Thursday, January 13, 2011


In case you haven't heard or noticed, it is football playoff time. And being from Pittsburgh, I'm a Steelers fan. I proudly wear black and gold. I've also been known from time to time to have black and gold plates, napkins, cups, and even M&Ms on hand.

I've also been known to proudly wear my Steelers shirt in Baltimore after important games have been won.

This Saturday, the Steelers are playing the Baltimore Ravens (boo). It is likely to be one of the best NFL games of the year. It's going to be hard fought and cold game in Pittsburgh. I am thankful that it is a local game and I will be able to watch it on my 13 inch TV with rabbit ears.

Like all good fans in Pittsburgh and around the globe, this is the prayer I'll be saying before bed tonight:

Our Father, Who Art in Pittsburgh, 

Football be Thy Game, 
Let Mendenhall Run,
6 Superbowls Won, 
On Earth as it is in Heinz Field. 
Give Us this Day a Playoff Victory, 
and Forgive Us Our Penalties, 
as We Defeat Those Ravens Who Play Against Us. 
But Lead Us into a Victory, 
and Deliver Us to Texas. 
For Thine is the D-Line, the Polamalu, and the Harrison.....A-Ben.

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