
Friday, January 13, 2012


Of plans and perspective.

Today I had big plans to reveal my goals for 2012. I've been working on these for weeks - reflecting on what I did last year, what I wanted to do last year, where I'm at now, and what I want to accomplish this year. I was so excited to post them and talk about how I plan to measure/evaluate my progress toward achieving goals. I have big plans for this year!

But my plans for today and sharing my goals have changed.

And they changed because of this. Earlier this week the mama runners blog world was abuzz with news that a mom of two, teacher, and runner went out for a run last Saturday morning and didn't come home. This morning we heard that she isn't coming home. The FBI said she is dead.

Crazy horrible.

Although I don't know this woman - she lived half-way across the country - but her story, her life situation hits a little too close to home for me. My heart is breaking for this woman's husband, kids, students, friends, and community.

This reminds me of this.

It reminds me that every day, every run, every breath is a blessing and a gift.

My perspective is changing - today I am more grateful for my kids, husband, friends, house, ability to run, and breath in my lungs.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Well said. I had a very similar blog today and hugged my family a little tighter and thanked God that we are all here safe.