I went outside to start the car and sure enough it wouldn't start. I ran a diagnostic test to determine if it was the battery (read: I turned the headlights on to be sure they worked) and it wasn't that. I tried to start the car in neutral, read the owner's manual, and even called my dad for some expert opinion. NOTHING. To top it off, David is in up-state New York for work (so I was on my own), it was raining the entire time I was outside trying to get the car started, and the car was parked on the side of our street that is a Monday-designated street cleaning zone. If I was unable to get the car moved by 9:30 this morning, I'd receive a big fat ticket from the DC parking police. The thought of a ticket made me madder than it should have. After about an hour of fussing in the car, I came inside to make a plan for getting the car towed and fixed. At my dad's request, I went back out to the car about half an hour later to try it one more time. And sure enough it started. The evening had its one bright note.
What should have been another bright note was the fact that my statistics class was canceled this morning and I should have been able to stay home for the day. However, my rotation advisor sent me an email last night saying she wanted to see my data analysis BEFORE our meeting on Tuesday. I had about 90 percent of the work complete, but the finishing touches had to be done at school using a statistical computing program I don't have at home. So I had to go to Baltimore this morning. And I missed the train at 6:55am - watched it leaving from the station as I was exiting the metro. I had to wait half an hour in the rain. I get to school only to realize that my flash drive (with all my programming and original data) is at home in DC. Luckily my google documents were updated and it didn't cause me too much heartache, but it was still frustrating.
I met my goal of leaving school at 9:45 this morning - with everything sent off to my advisor. So I'm walking to the train station on the sidewalk when a car comes up from behind me and zooms through a huge puddle on the road. I was soaked. Seriously wet all over my left side from head to toe.
I got home a little before noon. My no good day continues as the rain continues to fall. It's too wet outside to go for a run, and I have hours of statistics homework to complete and finals to study for.
And to top it all off, my pants don't fit any more!
1 comment:
Cave and get some maternity jeans! I plan to wear mine forever. :)
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