After weeks of trying to track down a Wii, I secured one last week. On Monday it arrived in the mail. Since we are taking the Wii to Taiwan when we go next month, we thought it was prudent to try it out and make sure everything is in working order. It would be so disappointing to get to Taiwan and have a non-functioning video game system. Since David and I don't have a TV (yes, we are that crunchy - vegetarians without a TV in Washington DC), we had to beg our good friends, Ted and Martha, to allow us to come over to their house last night with our new video game system. Ted allowed it only because he was thinking of the children (read: our nephews). In truth, he and David were SO excited to try the Wii out. They were like little children on Christmas morning.
I, on the other-hand, was skeptical. I'm not a huge video game fan; never have been. When David and Ted busted out the Wii and started playing baseball, tennis, and duck hunting, I have to admit I was excited. The Wii is like no other gaming system. The games are easy to play and the controllers are SO easy to use. If you are golfing, you swing the controller like you'd swing a golf club. If you are playing baseball, one person pitches the ball and the other one swings the bat (as David and Ted are doing in the picture below).
Much to my surprise, I ended up playing a fishing game and a cow driving/racing game. And I enjoyed it! The cow driving/racing game, which is part of WiiPlay, was my favorite. I'm looking forward to playing some golf and tennis with my nephews when we are in Taiwan.
SCHOOL UPDATE: I am registered for classes for the fall semester and am feeling completely overwhelmed. A full course load at Maryland is five classes per semester. This fall I will be taking: Principles of Epidemiology, Principles of Biostatistics, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Health Education & Promotion, and Health Survey Research Methods. I'm going to school tomorrow to turn in some paperwork and get my student ID. I'm also hoping to visit the bookstore and buy my books.